Martix Scene Wake Up Neo Vbs: 4 koraki
Martix Scene Wake Up Neo Vbs: 4 koraki
Martix Scene Wake Up Neo… Vbs
Martix Scene Wake Up Neo… Vbs

Pozdravljeni, to je navodilo za programiranje in dal vam bom kodo, da boste lahko predelali prizor na začetku matrike, kjer je Neoin računalnik vdrl in računalnik pravi: zbudi se neo …

1. korak: 1. korak: Prvi Vbs

Korak: Prvi Vbs
Korak: Prvi Vbs

odprite beležnico in to je ena od štirih datotek, ki jih morate narediti, sicer ne bo delovala.

vnesite to kodo:

set ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") "cmd" wscript.sleep 3000 ghost.sendkeys "w" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "k" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "u" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "p" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "n" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 5000 Dim objShell Set objShell = Wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell")

objShell. Run "2.vbs"

'Uporaba Set je obvezna Set objShell = Nothing WScript. Quit

in shranite to datoteko matrix.vbs

2. korak: 2. korak: druga datoteka

zdaj odprite nov beležnico in pokličite to datoteko 2.vbs, ker ne bo delovala, če ji rečete želeno ime.

zdaj kopirajte in prilepite to kodo je druga datoteka beležnice.

nastavite ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") "cmd" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "m" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "r" wscript. sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "x" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "s" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "y" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "u" wscript.sleep 40 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 40 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 40 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 5000 Nastavite objShell = Wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell")

objShell. Run "3.vbs"

'Uporaba Set je obvezna Set objShell = Nothing WScript. Quit

3. korak: 3. korak: tretji Vbs

odprite drugo datoteko beležnice in jo pokličite 3.vbs.

vnesite to kodo v datoteko.

nastavite ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") "cmd" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "f" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "l" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "l" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "w" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript. spanje 100 ghost.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "w" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "r" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "b" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "b" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 5000 Nastavi objShell = Wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell")

objShell. Run "4.vbs"

'Uporaba Set je obvezna Set objShell = Nothing WScript. Quit

4. korak: 4. korak: Zadnja datoteka VBS

zdaj boste naredili zadnjo datoteko in jo poimenovali 4.vbs.

vnesite to kodo v datoteko.

set ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") "cmd" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "knock knock neo …" WScript. Quit

Datoteke morajo biti na namizju, ker v nasprotnem primeru ne bodo delovale
